Saturday, February 3, 2007

Well it had to happen one day.

We got a new site!

Check us out over there. We will slowly, and with much sadness, phase this one out. This one is for the record books, folks.

contact us at:, or

We still ain't playin' with ya!

Thursday, February 1, 2007

The WOD for Byrd Park on Saturday, 2/03

So we've decided on a very good one for Saturday. It's not one of our originals, but it is going to be hard:

Three rounds for time of:
400m run
21 burpees
21 pull-ups

Remember, we meet on Saturdays at 10am in the Byrd Park running trail by the pull-up bars. E-mail us at for directions. We'll see you there.

Till then,

We ain't playin' with ya!